Biurko is a pioneer in the certification of its wines. It began with Organic Certification in 1998 and its wines carry the quality certification stamp issued by the Consejo de la producción ecológica de Navarra (The Board of Organic Agriculture in Navarre) as well as the Certificación de origen calificada de Rioja, the highest category in Spanish wine law classification.
This type of certification has its origins in the family’s philosophy based on the search for a guaranteed, natural, healthful product for the consumer that is also respectful of the environment. A sustainable product in a world undergoing a complicated evolution.
The following elements distinguish our form of agriculture:
- The vineyards are planted in healthy, well-aired areas at altitude in the local mountains. There is a low density of planted vineyards here and the variety in landscape provides for a healthy natural ecosystem.
- We use natural fertilisers made with the vegetable waste from the vines themselves (vine shoots, leaves, etc.), vegetation cover in order to create organic material and regenerate the soil as well as local sheep manure composted on the property.
- Continuous in-depth treatment against disease with natural products that respect the environment and enable the plant to conserve its own defences. The animal-life that collaborates in the defence of local vegetation in the region is respected and supported. No chemical herbicides and insecticides that damage natural fauna (birds, insects, worms…) are used.
- We look to use new non-aggressive yet effective plant or mineral based natural products in place of chemical substances that are in detriment to sustainable agriculture. Above all, we place emphasis on prevention.
- Production control, vegetation management, adequate use of fertilisers in both quality and composition type and adequate cultivation of the land. All of these elements enable a natural, healthy, balanced agriculture ideally geared towards the quality and identity of the product.
- Total respect for the natural cycles of the plant which means we adopt our farming methods and machine technology to the natural evolution of the plant, soil and climate.
All the agricultural work in its totality is done by the family. This guarantees our philosophy and the competence of the work carried out.